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F x V = P


In the most literal sense, Power may be defined as Force x Velocity, or FV=P, a common but significant equation in physics, biomechanics and even human performance. Plainly put, how hard we can smash or impose our will on something, and with what speed can we do this. Think - with what speed can i swing that golf club, throw that ball, or even how fast can we get ourselves from point A to point B. Alternatively, Power may be defined as how much work can we do in a given period of time, or P=W/t. How much energy did we expend in that minute, that day, that week - how well did we use our resources. In practical terms, how many calories did that bike ride require, or what was the metabolic cost of that strength training session. And at an even more visceral level - how well did we get through a particularly trying event? How well are we meeting the challenges of the day? In the most simplest of terms, how efficient are we, i.e. how powerful are we?


The mission of ForceVelocity36 is to help you find and cultivate this Power through optimal training protocols and appropriate wellness interventions. ForceVelocity36 believes an investment in one’s own fitness, one’s own wellness - one’s self, is indispensable in meeting one’s goals and maximizing one’s own life. FV36 seeks to facilitate this process in a culture of accountability and positivity.


get coached personally.

It all starts with a conversation. Tell me about yourself and what we’re tying to do. From here we’ll perform relevant assessments- what are you good at, what are you not so good at. Programs will be constructed based upon our discussions and assessments employing only the most appropriate and current science available.


get golf fit.

It’s no secret anymore, fitness is front and center in the game of golf these days. And you don’t have to be a tour pro to benefit from the higher level training available. Faster club head speeds and more yards. More consistency with more balance and stability. More confidence on the course. A healthier body and more rounds played. Under the coaching of Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Level 3 Golf Fitness instructor, the gold standard in golf fitness education, you are assured to have the latest and finest in golf performance and fitness available to you.


Be more informed.

More than ever, particularly with the advent of social media, information is bombarding us from all angles and at breakneck speeds. Often convincing, and often contradictory, it can be enough to wonder “what the heck is really true!?” and sadly even enough to '“excuse” someone from beginning a healthier lifestyle as he or she throws their hands up in frustration - I’ve seen it! The reality is, although there is ALOT of complete nonsense purported out there, alot of it can actually be “true” and “untrue” depending on the context - It is my hope that I can help you navigate the murky waters of all the info out there in a manner that most benefits you. In addition to monthly blogs on all things fitness, performance and wellness, I will try to answer any questions you may have, or at least provide more information that may lead to an answer. Feel free to contact me with queries below.